Thursday, February 6, 2014

Seitel Vs. New Rules

Fraser Seitel describes 12 points on which an individual should adhere to when dealing with the media.  Some of his points are shared by Dan Meerman Scott, author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR.  The two share views on points such as treating bloggers and reporters as respectful as possible.  Doing so allows you to gain the favor of the people you are talking to.  Both authors also seem to agree that "a reporter is a reporter".  Scott describes using online means to attract media attention, doing so isn't that much different than dealing with a reporter that is off duty.  Finally, both authors feel that reporters should be treated individually.

The two authors differ on a couple points, the first of which is Scott is much more focused on the internet side of PR and marketing.  Seitel's points invoke the thought of someone speaking on CNN rather than blogging online. Another difference arises in that Seitel doesn't mention the idea of globalization where-as Scott focuses heavily on globalization.

In conclusion both authors share similar, as well as different views on the idea of dealing with the media.  Through reading both ideas, the reader forms a more complete knowledge on the subject and is better informed for the future.

1 comment:

  1. Your last sentence summarizes the lessons learned very well.
